What is FM Global?
FM Global (Factory Mutual Insurance Company) is an international insurance company formed in 1848 that specializes in loss prevention services for large corporations all over the world. The goals of the company are based on the belief that property losses are completely preventable.
The company engages in a non-traditional business operation where risk and premiums are determined by engineering analysis as opposed to historically-based calculations which are believed to be erroneous.
What is FM Approval?
FM Approvals is the independent testing process of the international insurance carrier, FM Global.
All types of industrial and commercial companies all over the world depend on products and services that are FM Approved. An FM Approved mark on a product proves that there is confirmed demonstrated scientific research behind it and that the product lives up to the highest standards. Above all, FM Approvals ensure that essential products in day-to-day life, like smoke detectors and the roofs of our homes, are completely safe.
Not only does an FM Approval verify the safety and efficiency of a product or a service, but there is also an exclusive focus on the following aspects:
- Testing property loss prevention products and services + certifying those that meet rigorous loss prevention standards
- Encouraging the development and use of FM Approved products and services that improve and advance property loss prevention practices
What Products do FM Approvals Certify?
FM Approvals is one of the global leaders in third-party certification and approval of industrial and commercial products. Some examples include:
- Central station — 24-hour alarm signal monitoring and reporting, a fire alarm industry
- Fire detection, signaling, and other electrical equipment — spark detection and extinguishing; heat detectors, water flow detectors
- Fire protection equipment — The regularly evolving automatic sprinkler systems
- Functional safety assessment and certifications — A product’s certification, quality, reliability, and overall safety
- Gas detection — Testing facilities for toxic gas detectors, combustible gas detectors, oxygen depletion
- General-purpose electrical equipment — Testing electrical equipment; electrical shock, fire, and injury requirements
- Hazardous location electrical equipment (the largest category) — Ensures that electrical equipment will not cause a fire or explosion; gases, dust, vapors, fibers
- Materials — Determining how certain materials will hold in a fire or windstorm; roofing products, pipe insulation, wall, and ceilings, air-handling systems
- Roofing products — Roof assembly and design testing; in weather storms such as hail or fires
- Smoke detection — The smoke detection market has always been a demanding and evolving market. This category helps get new smoke detector products on the market faster and more effectively
FM Approvals and Material Handling
At Premier Handling Solutions, we take FM Approvals seriously, possessing many products with appropriate FM Approvals, such as our certified fire retardant plastic pallets.
FM Approvals in the material handling industry is essential for safety and health reasons. Pallets make the world go ‘round. They can be plastic, metal, or wood, which all need to be certified for safety and hygiene. Having superior hygienic products with pest resistance, durability, lower weight, and safer handling requires lengthy but ample testing. Not to mention forklifts, pallet jacks, and other lifting devices which need to undergo copious safety tests.
Without safety and hygiene in the material handling industry, warehouses could be very dangerous, or there could be a great deal of product loss or unsanitary product handling.