Pallet Washer RFQ

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Pallet Washer RFQ

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    Have a pre-existing document (or the PDF above) that has all/most of this information included in it already? Upload it here, and click the submit button at the bottom of the form:

    Fill Out Form Completely

    Will this cleaning be:
    Are you cleaning any plastic pallets currently:
    Pallet Design
    Does the pallet need to be dried upon completion of the wash cycle:
    If yes what level is expected?
    Do you know where the washing system will be located:
    If yes, attach layout view of washing zone.
    How do you want the pallets to be placed into the pallet washer:
    How many operators will be available for the pallet washing process:
    Will a detergent be added to the washing system:
    Detergent Grade:
    Do you want sanitation spray added to rinse cycle:
    Please select all the resources or connection points available in the room:
    Preferred Method of Heating:
    3 Phase Power Voltage Requested
    Temperature of water available:

    Add items to be washed below along with description, length, width, etc.

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    Max. file size: 125 MB.

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      Max. file size: 125 MB.

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        Max. file size: 125 MB.

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          Max. file size: 125 MB.

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